The Computer Chronicles
Computer Chronicles er en amerikansk tv-serie på en halv times varighed, som blev sendt fra 1983 til 2002. Programmerne omhandler alt det nyeste indenfor computer verden, og der bliver vist masse af nye produkter og teknikker. Værterne på showet er kendte personligheden som Gery Kildall, Stewart Cheifet og Jim Warren. Mere end 57 timers Retro Computer Video.
The Computer Chronicles - Gary Kildall Special (1995)
The Computer Chronicles - Year 2000 (Y2K) (1999)
The Computer Chronicles - Wireless Technology (2001)
The Computer Chronicles - Windows NT (1993)
The Computer Chronicles - Windows Enhancements - Software (1992)
The Computer Chronicles - Windows Enhancements - Hardware (1992)
The Computer Chronicles - Windows Apps (1991)
The Computer Chronicles - Windows 3.0 (1990)
The Computer Chronicles - Windows 98 (1998)
The Computer Chronicles - What to Do with Your Expansion Slots? (1993)
The Computer Chronicles - Windows 95 (1994)
The Computer Chronicles - Web Surfing on Your TV (2001)
The Computer Chronicles - Web Radio (1998)
The Computer Chronicles - Virtual Reality (1992)
The Computer Chronicles - Travel Planning Online (1998)
The Computer Chronicles - Web Plugins (1998)
The Computer Chronicles - Visual Programming Languages (1993)
The Computer Chronicles - Virtual Meetings (1994)
The Computer Chronicles - Video Game Consoles (1990)
The Computer Chronicles - TV Meets PC (1999)
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